We continue to be amazed and blessed by the donations from the community at large!! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to everyone who donated in August!!! We appreciate you!!!
901958 AB Ltd. O/A South Ridge Farms
Agro Plus Inc. {Foremost}
Allen, Jette
Ambrosi, Brad
Anonymous Donor
Auto-Star Compusystems Inc. Employees
Ayling, Barbara
Barber, T Jewel
Beasley, Bruce & Dulcie
Benevity - Canadian Online Giving - Susan Stuart
Blue Ridge Farms
Brudey Farms Inc.
Brummelhuis, John
Buchanan Cooper, Katherine
Bushell, Myrna
Charities Aid Foundation Canada - TD Donation
Christman, Douglas & Kelly
Clark, Stephen
Cole's Event Tent Rentals
Cosh, Yvonne
County of Newell
Coyote Coulee Contracting Inc.
Cypress County
Degroot, John
Dunmore Community Association
Eastern Irrigation District
Emerson, Heather
Farmland Supply Centre Inc.
Ford, Ryan
Global X Investments Canada Inc.
Gomke, Krista
Good, Arlene & C.Jay
Heiland, Andrei
Hemsing, Tracy & Michele
Hill, Joe
Humphreys, Betty Ann
Hutchings, Mark
Ireland, Lisa
Jennistein Oilfield Services
Johnson, Holly
Johnson, Kelsey
Johnson, Phyllis
Jones, Elizabeth
Kleinjan Farms Ltd.
Lau, Dianne
Lazy M Farms
Liboiron, Trevor & Kristi
Lowry, Jenny
McDougald, John
Medicine Hat Power Tongs
Melvill, Lee
Miller, Alex
Mobbs, Ryan
Nelson, Ella
Niggli, Trudy
Niwa, Ashly
Niznik, Jodi
Ott, Wendy
Pick, Dawn & Josh
Pot, Frans & Christie
Promax Agronomy Services Ltd.
Reynolds, Murray
Rieger, Randall & Linda
Robinson, Amanda
Rural Municipality of Maple Creek No. 111
Simpson, Ken & Le - Atlee Angus
Slingerland, Leanne
Smith, Hannah
South Shore Dental
Steadman, Craig
Sturch, Natalie
Taber Charity Auctions
Tilley Fire Fighters
Turner, Doug & Elaine
Uchikura Farms Ltd.
United Way East Ontario
Volk, Andrew & Kendra
Waeckerlin, Daniel
Wagner, C
Waldron, Brenda
Wallace, Rob & Wendy
Willms, Doug
Zorn, Curtis
Zubrecki, Tracy
